Some Posting Guidelines
Please don't change the basic font (blogs will automatically post in the Verdana font that you see here). Don't change the font type, the font size, or the font color (this blogsite will look best if all the posts have the same basic look). Also, please don't indent the first line of new paragraphs.
Remember to skip a line between paragraphs. You don't need to add a byline ("by Waldo"); Blogger will automatically add a line ("Posted by Waldo") to your blog.
Here are some other things you can do:
- You can use bullets.
- You can add an image, such as the one to the right.
- You can use italics or bold where appropriate, but please use them sparingly if at all.
I think every decade has an iconic blonde — like Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana — and right now, I’m that icon.Each word in the post's title should begin with an uppercase letter, except for articles (a, the), conjunctions (and, or) and prepositions (to, of, for...). By the way, if you click on the title of any blog such as this one or the one below, it will open in its own window.
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