How'd we get here?
The story of Noah and the
It is written in the Bible that God made all living things. That’s a lot of things to create considering the number of species of just one kind of animal. Did God’s hand create the 300 or more known species of spiders? Probably not. Did he create the spider? That makes more sense. It was his crafting of the spider that allowed it to evolve. If God was able to create the world or to know how many hairs are on a person’s head, it’s reasonable to believe God knew there would be a need for adapting.
However, it’s really hard to understand how humans might have evolve from an ape. It could be that when humans were first created they did not have the mentality they do now. As the human brain continues to develop, humans continue to evolve. Twenty years ago who would have thought of having a DVD player in a car? Two hundred years ago who would have thought of even driving a car? At one time, we weren’t able to create such luxurious, but through the expansion of our minds it’s gone from being a fantasy to reality.
Everything that we as humans are capable of, as well as animals, plants, and bacteria, are part of a plan. How could bacteria grow, multiply or mutate without something greater in its structure? For humans and animals to have such complex body parts that depend on each other, wasn’t an accident. Our organs were carefully thought through and strategically placed, which seems unlikely to have occurred from a big bang. The world had to come from somewhere. The Big Bang theory suggests the Earth was spun into orbit after a collision in space. Maybe that is how our planet was created, but it doesn’t answer any of the questions about how living beings were put here.
Life is beautiful, the earth is beautiful. Everything we see on a daily bases is part of a cycle that has been here for millions of years but what happened before we were part of the plan is still unknown. The earth as we know it today won’t be the same for the next several generations. Regardless of the origins of life, it is ever evolving and should be embraced by everyone, including those with strong faith in the Bible.
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