Friday, April 13, 2007

Wii Love It!

Never considering myself a “gamer” I always loathed those couch-potato boys who spent every free minute playing video games. Skipping class to “get to level thirty-four of this new, totally sick Xbox game” gave me the impression little intelligent activity was going on in their brains. However, when Nintendo introduced its newest gaming system, the Wii, I decided to give being a video game junkie a chance.

Sadly, I have become one of those I once despised. I, Hayley Alexandra Richardson, love the Nintendo Wii.

This virtual reality gaming system gives players the ability to feel like they are actually in the game. A favorite game of mine is “Wii Sports." Players can choose from boxing, tennis, golf, baseball, and bowling. The game also allows you to make a Mii. The Mii is a virtual player that can be created to look like the person playing.

The Wii-mote, which is more fun to say than remote, is the most amazing part of this game. If you are playing tennis (my forte), you hold the Wii-Mote like a tennis racquet, swing accordingly and your player swings his racquet, hitting the ball. If you are boxing, you hold the controllers while punching the air, but your player punches his opponent. If you are like me, a person who rarely, okay never, works out, then this game may leave you with some sore muscles.

Although I don’t spend countless hours standing in front of my TV trying to be a virtual Maria Sharapova, Wii Sports has taken precedence over homework on a couple occasions. I have bought my own Wii, and although it was with my father’s money, I don’t think he’ll be too upset with me; he always wanted me to play sports.

Because Wii Sports requires lots of movement not only of your body, but also of the Wii-Mote, it is very important to attach the wristband to your wrist. In a vicious tennis match it would be awful for your Wii-Mote to slide out of your hand and break your television.

I feel the Wii has appeal to all age groups, the controller is easy to use and the virtual reality aspect is a big hit. Also a plus is that games for the Nintendo GameCube are also compatible with the Wii, allowing for more gaming options. Also, with games such as Super Mario Brothers on the way for Wii, people who loved the original Nintendo can continue to beat King Koopa and Princess Peach.

I’m not interested in the technical aspects of the Wii. I don’t know about its memory, or what type of technology was used to create it. I don’t even care to know how the controllers work. All I know is the conclusion my friends and I have come to: Wii love it!

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