Saturday, September 1, 2007

How Does That Song End Again?

I love my fiancé, but he has the ability to drive me crazy with one trait. He lacks the capacity to listen to a complete song on the radio. I am a lover of all things musical, so I am not difficult to please when it comes to selection, but I do have the one request: that I not feel like I am on a bad drug trip when I am listening to the radio. I do not object to changing the channel during commercials or turning the channel if a song comes on that you do not like, but can anyone really get bored with everything they are listening to?

We have been together for almost eight years, but riding with him in a car for long periods of time is a major test of my patience. We can be listening to a perfectly good song and out of no where my ears are blasted with a new, foreign melody that I was not at all prepared for. I am a pretty patient person so a couple of times I can handle, but when we have been through almost his entire four hundred song IPOD in an hour and fifteen minutes, it is a little much for me to handle. Just to dispel all questions about it, he does not have ADD, he is just indecisive. We can be riding along listening to a song that he says he loves and fifteen seconds in, boom, we have gone from classic rock to country. How is a girl to cope?

I ask him calmly, “Baby, I thought you liked that song?” His immediate, nonchalant response is “Oh, I love that song, but I only wanted to hear the intro.” I could go along with that if he did not have these kinds of responses for every song we listen to. Either it’s he’s not in the mood half way through, or he just thought of another song that he wants to hear more, or some other crazy variation of these responses. Sometimes I have to tell him to just turn the radio off and we ride in silence for a few minutes.

One day I knew that we would be in the car together for two hours straight, and before we got in, I made him promise that any song we started we were going to listen to the whole way through. He promised and we made it almost all the way there with out a single problem. He was calm and I was in heaven, but then “Bohemian Rhapsody” came on. This song is ridiculously long and we got almost through it before he quietly said, “Screw it,” and changed the channel. Hopefully, one day he will get over this compulsion or I will learn to deal with it.

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