Saturday, September 22, 2007

What is it worth?

I believe in achievement. Achievement, no matter what its shape or form, matters to everyone. . Achievement is what marks me as an individual, what sets me apart from everyone else. When all is done for the day and everything is in its place, I want to come home and think – “I achieved something today.” I do not want to feel like I just exist. My life has to mean something, and achievements along the way are what remind me that it has value.

This mentality began at 12., dealing with my brother and seeing what he was accomplishing in his life. Although I was young, I still looked up on him with envy. He made good grades, played sports, and had a job. His achievements in school and sports helped him excel, and that set the standard for me growing up.

Right now, my achievements are a very large part of my reason for existing. They make me feel alive and that every moment I breathe has meaning. Family, friends, and loved ones are significant elements in my life, and they have their place in the grand scheme, but ultimately, my own drive, ambition, and passion are what drive my achievement, and with that achievement comes recognition – recognition that every effort I make has a tangible and meaningful result.

My main achievement is surviving Iraq. It is heard about on the news every day, on the web, and the topic of discussion for those who lived it, being a constant reminder no matter where you are. I am proud of the fact that I got to live through the deployment, and that the experiences I have taken from it are nothing anyone can take away from me. Going to Iraq is one thing, but experiencing what many soldiers experience over there and living to tell about it is a crowning achievement because how dangerously severe running missions is . When I was over there, I realized that I was there for the man to the left and right of me first, the mission second, because without the team, the mission fails. Our achievements kept each other alive, and that was the driving factor for the duration of our stay over there. My achievement was doing my job in conjunction with my comrades, so that when I succeeded, they lived.

Pride in my actions and the end result mark my place in this world. Through those actions I exemplify my character and personality, and leave a lasting impression for friends and family. What I have done in the past is written, what is for the future has yet to be. Nonetheless, my actions are history, they are my achievements.

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