Sunday, September 30, 2007

Your Own Happiness

“Does this dress make me look fat?” “Are my arms muscular enough?” Stop! Does it really matter what the world thinks? People center their happiness on what others think. I’m so tired of hearing about the worlds’ opinions. Do you like the dress? Good! - Then wear it. Do you like your arms? Yes? - Then you don’t need more muscle. What matters in this lifetime is your own opinion, not what others’ think.

The world is changing so fast. It is too hard to keep up with the new trends and fashions. The type of clothing or hairstyle that is in style today will be something completely different in a few months. Instead of people trying to fit in with the world, people should be living the way that makes them happy. I grew up with my two older twin sisters who were always worried about what people thought of them. They both thought they were too fat and needed to lose a few pounds. Their hair color changed at least once a month as did their style of clothing. They would never be caught dead in their pajamas or without make up under any circumstance. I remember one night that they both lectured me on going to Wal-Mart in pajamas and what people would think of me. It was 10:00 at night and my siblings wanted ice-cream. I wasn’t going to change my clothes when I was only going to be in a store for five minutes.

Changing your appearance or worrying about your weight is not a bad thing, as long as it is what you want. The problem with caring about others’ opinions and trying to please the world is that you never will. Someone is going to see you as overweight or scrawny, and then others will see you as skinny or muscular. You can’t please everyone so stop trying. More people are born into this world everyday. There will always be a person who is prettier, skinnier, friendlier, more athletic, muscular, and the list goes on. Be true to yourself and what makes you happy and you will have more satisfaction out of your life.

The world is cruel. It portrays people as flawless. It tells us that women need to be tall and skinny and wear a size two. It shows us that men need to be tan, built, and have a 6-pack. Those images are just another opinion. People can be however they choose to be. I have seen my sisters and best friends constantly try to change because of what other people think. That never made them happy. We have one life to live- so why waste it worrying about what other people think. For once, try living life based on your own thoughts and what makes you happy.

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