Sunday, November 18, 2007


The movie Beowulf, directed by Robert Zemeckis, is an animated tale based on the old story of a Scandinavian hero of great deeds who comes to King Ruthgar's cursed lands to rid them of the monster, which he later learns is called Grendel. Modern actors are animated in the film, such as Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie, and John Malkovich. The life-like computer animation and placement of the actors’ likenesses
within the film gives it a modern touch. Although an old tale, there are modern lessons to be learned by this movie.

Set in Scandinavia, Beowulf treks with his handful of men to Rothgar's lands, where a monster, Grendel, is plaguing them. Beowulf, being the proud and boastful hero, takes on the challenge. He ends up fighting Grendel naked rips the beast's arm off, sending the monster running back to its mother (played by Angelina Jolie). Grendel ends up dying. And as a token of his appreciation, Rothgar offers his queen to Beowulf. The irony is, Grendel was actually the offspring of King Rothgar (Anthony Hopkins) and the monster played by Angelina Jolie. That is why the queen could never produce a son because she would not lay with Rothgar.

Beowulf ends up going back to the moors after almost the entire lodge is slain by the she-monster (Angelina Jolie). Rothgar's advisor Umferth (John Malkovich) is wary of Beowulf, and gets into several verbal altercations with the hero. As a Christian in a land of pagans, Umferth warns Beowulf of his pride. Beowulf merely shrugs him off and goes to fight the she-monster, where he is enticed the same way Rothgar was. He is promised power and wealth and a great kingdom in exchange for giving her another son and giving her the dragon cup. This is the pact they make. Beowulf returns to Rothgar saying he has slain the she-monster, and brings back Grendel's head. Umferth is wary of him, but goes with it. Rothgar knows Beowulf really did not slay her but says she is Beowulf's problem now. The King ends up committing suicide and beforehand "wills" his kingdom and everything in it to Beowulf.

Years go by and the kingdom expands. Then, a tragic turn is taken when the dragon cup is found. The pact between the she-monster is broken, and their son (which can morph into a dragon) attacks the lands. Beowulf sets out to destroy the dragon, but ends up losing his life to do so, taking it personally and not risking anyone else's life for his mistakes. He kills the dragon, ends up dying himself, and his best friend takes over the kingdom. The movie, though, shows the best friend holding the dragon cup and standing mid-waist in the ocean, looking at the she-monster.

The movie has powerful action sequences including Beowulf, Grendel, the dragon, and war between opposing tribes. The dialogue in the movie accentuates the points in the movie of greed, lust, pride, dishonesty, and shame. The computer animation is unlike any previously animated movie has done, including Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. It is worth seeing, and being only two hours long, it includes many aspects that make it worthy of watching, plenty of action and battle, lust and sex, suspense, and intrigue. I give Beowulf 3.5 stars.

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