Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jon Lajoie: YouTube Superstar

Jon Lajoie is a star in the YouTube universe. The Canadian-born comedian uses the website, as well as his own, to broadcast his foul-mouthed humor to the world. YouTube was invented for people like Lajoie whose style and material would never be aired on cable, much less network TV. Offensive material aside, Lajoie’s material is separated into randomly posted and unrelated skits. Producing his own work and keeping it on the internet allow Lajoie’s message to remain unfiltered by network executive and the FCC.

Lajoie needs this freedom because he gets obscene in every skit. This obscenity is showcased fully in "Pointless Profanity" and "Pointless Profanity Pt 2." There is no point to these skits and are solely for the reason to see how offensive he can be in two and a half minutes. In "Vorclaw", Lajoie is the messenger of death for the world who becomes upset when he realizes that he won’t survive global destruction. Lajoie also displays his musical talents on his site. He plays a heartfelt love song to the two girls in the infamous "2 Girls 1 Cup" clip circling the web.

The comedy is also extremely random, reminiscent of Wet Hot American Summer. In "Pierre Trudeau…," Lajoie reminisces about the former Canadian Prime Minister, only to be interrupted by a ninja and a talking zebra. He adopts the voice of the greatest playwright of all time in "The News with Shakespeare." In the skit Shakespeare informs the audience that Chuck Norris is just as cool as he was in the 80’s just before he swings to his weatherman, Jesus Christ.

In my favorite skit, "The Mysteries of the Universe," Lajoie, as Brent Coleslaw, ponders ancient philosophical truths. His journey into the great questions of life include how he believes God ripped off He-Man by claiming to be the Supreme Being in the universe and that if we are all share the same energy, then he should be able to have sex with his best friend's sister. In "Breathing Commercial" he informs the viewer on how to avoid “death-like symptoms” with the very easy and affordable act of breathing.

If you’re like me and have the sense of humor of a 14-year-old then Jon Lajoie is something you need to check out. He is obscene, foul and random but above everything else he is hilarious. After my friend sent me the link to his website (, I spent 10 minutes laughing at the home page. After discovering the videos, I watched all sixteen in order. From High as F@#k to Brent Horst: Politician, Lajoie had me in tears because I was laughing so hard.

Lojoie's brilliance comes from his ability to create comedy out of essentially nothing. Using only one camera and his uncanny ability to shock the viewer, Lojoie takes "YouTube comedy" to a new plateau. is a great site that is perfect for anyone that enjoys random and somewhat obscene comedy.

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