Monday, April 16, 2007

The Devil Wears--Gucci?

If you have had the pleasure of reading the novel, The Devil Wears Prada, then wait until you've forgotten what happens before you see the movie.

At first word of this movie coming out I raced to Barnes and Noble to pick up the book. From the moment I opened the book I could not stop reading. I read it between classes--and at meals and even stayed up just to read it. This book consumed me. This is a huge statement for me considering I have not been an avid reader since my school forced us to have a reading program. It is a book that if you have an evil boss, or anyone evil in your life, you would take in every tip and think every thought Andy Sachs, the main character, had. This novel made me feel exactly what the characters were feeling; the movie, however, did not.

After finishing the book I anxiously awaited the premiere of the movie. Finally, I was sitting in the movie theatre watching The Devil Wears Prada But wait--Andy Sachs had a roommate; she never cried to her co-workers and Emily certainly did not get ran over by a car. The whole time I watched the movie I was thinking, what book did these writers read? They might as well have changed the name to The Devil wears--Old Navy or Abercrombie.

I left the movie disappointed and angry, where as the people that watched it with me loved it. I was actually sad that I had read the book first. I was ready to call the writers and ask them exactly what they were thinking. They had left out some of the best parts and added parts that were nowhere in the book. It is like going to Dairy Queen to get an M&M blizzard and them putting Butterfingers in it instead.

My expectations were so high for this movie that I was let down. Maybe my expectations were too high, but it’s because the book was written so well. In the book Miranda was much meaner to Andy Sachs and the whole relationships in the book were different.

I am not saying that this movie sucked. It was just shocking that they had actually changed so much of the book. I actually own the movie; when I watch it I just make no relation to the book whatsoever. I have heard great things about the movie from people who hadn’t read the book. I am just warning those who haven’t seen it--the movie does not do justice to the novel. My advice is to skip either the movie or the book; just don’t do both because it’s a waste of time.

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