You R a Racist
In recent weeks an idiot talk show host named Don Imus thought he could slyly get away with calling a group of young women "nappy-headed hoes” and nobody would care. Well he was wrong, We do care.
The most offensive thing about this, in my opinion, was that this fool actually thought he could make the argument that "Blacks" use these negative words all the time, so therefore it is okay for him to do so as well. When that didn't work, he and his bosses at NBC tried to play up the angle that a double standard exists, where it's okay for Black musicians and minority comedians to use these words, but not whites.
Of course none of those arguments worked, and he was fired. However, the only positive thing that this fool's words spurred was that he made the world understand that everyone's words are not equal to another.
Here is the only thing that needs to be understood by all races: Be you white, black, Latino, or European, only if you belong to that race or are derived from the same environments, then and only then, is it acceptable to use the same positive or negative words.
The best way to look at this is with the family metaphor. In a family you can be nasty, racist, mean, spiteful, and anything else you can think of, but only to your family. But if someone outside of the family tries to do these things, then you're ready to maim and kill in defense of your family.
That is what Imus and a lot of minority-challenged individuals forget. There are never any okay moments for whites to use "Blacks’" words. To further illustrate my point: in minority communities, the words "nappy-headed" are the first words you use to start a fight or completely demean an adversary. Those words have never been positive. We don't use them jokingly or as light-hearted nicknames. If he were of a similar background, he would know this.
Unless people learn this rule, and stop trying to be "black”, I'm sure some other fool will be joining Imus in the unemployment line real soon.
In an attempt not to be completely biased towards Mr. Imus, I’ll make reference to two very popular cartoons that use race, racial stereotypes, and all types of offensive measures to gain, maintain, and entertain their audiences. The shows “Family Guy” and “The Boondocks” center most of their humor, and episodes, on the racist society we live in.
While “Family Guy” runs the gauntlet of equal opportunity offensiveness, it mostly focuses on the racial stereotypes associated with the Irish, which happens to be the ethnic background of the shows creator. That is also how “The Boondocks” operate, with the racial stereotypes focusing mostly on Blacks, which also happens to be the creator’s ethnic background. That’s the catch.
These two shows are not meant to appeal to everyone, and are always offensive to someone, but they won’t be canceled for racist statements because they are only commenting on their respectable ethnic heritages.
When all of society can follow that formula, then a small victory in a huge war will have been won.
1 comment:
I agree people must learn the number one cardinal rule. If You are White, You are never to even think about saying something racist toward a black person even if you are trying to imitate them. You are not them,so stop trying be them.
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