Saturday, April 7, 2007

Dating Is Confusing. No Really, It Is

If you really think about it, dating is polygamist training. When you really take a look at how and what dating is, it’s a way of practicing how not to settle down, or a loophole to avoid commitment. Sure there is the argument that dating helps you figure out what you don't want in a spouse, but if you date too long, then you begin to enjoy the notion of always having options-especially when you're in an environment that has people that meet all of your standards for potential mates.

That’s the problem with dating in college. That problem becomes all the more difficult to deal with when the girls outnumber the guys. I never had this problem before I got to this school. While I never had any issues with dating before, I also never had a ratio of this many beautiful faces, bodies, and minds available to me before either. Where most men would see this as a challenge, or paradise, I see it as a continual confusion of values.

When people are raised with the idea and principles of marriage and commitment, you only confuse those ideas when you are then taught to explore all of your options before settling down. I have always wondered why such a contradiction exists in our society. How can we teach people to look for the options, but then tell them it is wrong if they never stop looking for the options?

Even though the relationships we weather are what make us ready to be in committed, long term relationships, you can only wonder if there is a better way. The only and best example, I've ever been able to come up with, is polygamy. While I don't practice, or know anyone who does practice polygamy, I like their solution to marriage.

Polygamists actually represent what we're all taught about dating and marriage. They believe in committed marriages, but they also follow the dating principles of keeping their options. The only difference is that those dating options turn into multiple spouses. Yet if you want to see the best example of what happens when you never stop looking for the options, then take a look at any episode of “Seinfeld”.

Though this was the show about nothing, while focusing on that nothing the characters managed to do a lot of dating. From Elaine to Kramer, none of these characters could ever stay with someone long enough to resemble anything close to a relationship. Even after George and Jerry both get engaged to women they find completely adequate, they still can’t give up the idea of having options. This show illustrates perfectly why it is too risky to continue actively dating after a lifetime of options. If you really think about it, polygamists figured out the best way to stay committed. So if you ever find yourself trying to narrow down your options on whether to continue dating or marriage, try polygamy, it’s your best option.

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